
Coordination elevated BMW's campaigns.

  • BMW
  • 2020-12-07
  • Project Management and advisory services

Since the fall of 2018, we have worked closely with BMW, contributing to their digital success. Through coordination, setting requirements, and verification, we have elevated BMW's Swedish market campaigns.

  • The front of one of the latest BMW models.

A consultant who understands digital communication

BMW was looking for a self-driven, meticulous, and digitally savvy production planner to work closely with the marketing manager to support the Swedish marketing campaigns. Our colleague Simone Karlsson stepped in to help coordinate, set requirements, and verify marketing campaigns.

Advertisement Work and Campaign Deliveries

BMW has developed a well-functioning structure for collaboration between the Nordic countries. Simone had good preconditions to familiarize herself with the working method quickly. She could soon support the marketing team responsible for advertisement work and campaign deliveries.

Adapting Messages and Concepts

Simone needed structure and curiosity about BMW's products to relieve the marketing team quickly. The car industry, especially BMW, faces significant investments in electrifying cars. With initiatives like this, a series of campaigns arise where the team at BMW, together with the creative agency INGO, works to develop messages and concepts that will work on a Nordic level to be adapted to the Swedish market.

"Simone has been given increasing responsibility with us and has everyone's trust. She is not afraid to ask questions or contact people, and she handles the contact with our dealers regarding marketing."
Marie Dellbrant, marknadschef BMW

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